How Do Pro Network Marketers Earn So Much Money?

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Rejection-Free Network Marketing

Network marketing has changed, in case you haven't heard. No longer are you expected to tell everyone and their brother-in-law about your new business. In fact, it's better if you don't.

It is so much more efficient when you can drop hints about your marketing activities around the 'Net in places where interested people will see them...and call you when they're ready.

This eliminates the unpleasant, uncomfortable scenes that occur at Christmas dinner when you force yourself to approach Uncle Joe and Aunt Erma to ask if they'd ever wanted to start their own home-based business.

This new style of network marketing, developed by Mike Dillard, uses the power of the Internet to let those who are looking for what you offer, find and contact you. This puts you in a much more comfortable position of simply asking prospects questions and answering theirs.

This new school of network marketing, called Attraction Marketing, removes the need to sell your business opportunity to your friends and family. No more trying to push your products and business on people with no interest in it.

In addition to removing one of the things most people hate about network marketing, attraction marketing implements a couple of other innovative marketing techniques that are a marked improvement over Old-School MLM.

1) Attraction Marketing puts YOU in possession of your MLM business, not your company. It does this by helping you build a list of those who are interested in network marketing and...

2) It offers valuable training materials to all your visitors -- 95% of whom will never join your company -- and this helps you pay for the ongoing expense of prospecting.

Mike Dillard's company, Magnetic Sponsoring, has truly revolutionized this business by automating so much of the time-consuming process of marketing -- of sifting and sorting through thousands of prospects to find the ideal ones for your business. It combines the best features of MLM with the advances made possible by Internet marketing, to give you the best of both worlds.

There's a lot more that could be said about Magnetic Sponsoring and all the good FREE training they offer just for taking a peek. Check them out -- Their ad is to the right of this post.

Oh yeah, and you can get all this value for one ridiculously low one-time price.


  1. Its a great Blog.One of the main principle of Multicultural Marketing is To open markets by enabling companies to explore culturally diverse markets segments and totally new markets.

  2. Thanks for the comment Samual. My primary company and I are introducing our selves and our products to the global marketplace. I am convinced that is where opportunity lies for the future. Except for pockets of wealth, the USA's period of general affluence is over.

    It's time for Americans to go where the money is -- Network marketing is eagerly received in many other prosperous countries, especially in Asia.
