How Do Pro Network Marketers Earn So Much Money?

Friday, February 11, 2011


I've got something to say about CPA (click per action) marketing versus MLM (multi-level marketing) today. And I am pissed about the hypocritical attitude most people, especially the younger generation seem to have about network marketing.

It seems to be acceptable to sell bogus products, downright scams, and hyped-up make-money-on-the-'Net training to people we will never know through Clickbank and other online marketing sites.

On the other hand, offering people a REAL product that is better quality, and less expensive than the one they use now causes them to run the other way.

WHAT are they afraid of?

I've picked through ClickBank's offer and have yet to find anything with the solid science behind it that I could proudly offer to my friends and associates. All I have found, so far, is junk, like this top-earner:

"1 Trick of a Tiny Belly" and penis enlargement pills are the number 1 and 2 best sellers on Clickbank. Can you believe it?

We can see the majority of Americans are stupid, but does that mean we should cynically make our living off relieving them of their money?

I am of the belief that "What goes around, comes around". The average person worldwide needs help to see better products to improve their health -- and ways to help them earn more money, legitimately.

So, I am mystified when people continue to believe that network marketing/MLM "doesn't work" and MLM is a scam.

I don't know about you, but I want to be surrounded with hard-working, top-achieving, intelligent people who know the facts about MLM and don't just repeat the same old hearsay about their second-cousin who failed in some poorly chosen MLM company years ago.

People fail at high school. People fail at selling real estate. Anyone who quits anything before they figure out how to succeed is apt to claim it is a scam so they put the blame on someone else.

That's all I have to say for now. If there are any winners reading this who want to learn more of the truth about the possibilities offered by the multi-level distribution model, I'd like to hear from you!

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