How Do Pro Network Marketers Earn So Much Money?

Monday, August 17, 2009

My New Site Is Up!

My new site is starting to look pretty good, by my standards. No Video yet, but it's in the plans. I want to show you what healthy diet and regular exercise can do for you as you get older. All the good things you enjoyed when you were young can be just as good when you get past 60, but you will have longer to savor them.

Don't get to retirement age and find out you gave all you had to your boss and now have nothing left for yourself! Please take care of yourself--You'll be glad you did.

See my site at

Monday, June 22, 2009

My New Web Site

I have chosen a new domain name and will be writing on the general subject of "healthy diet". My domain is Give me a few days to put up the home page and come and visit. I'll offer some useful weight loss tips, as well as weight management info gained from about fifty years of studying the subject of health, fitness, and weight management for my own purposes.

You will also begin seeing a lot more articles of mine on on the subject of healthy diet, healthy planet diet, and possibly other topics.

I still stand by what I've written about network marketing and MLM, but the majority of people seem to have a very negative opinion of MLM, so I won't waste my time trying to inform close-minded people.

Leave me a comment here and let me know what you ARE interested in. I'd like to hear from you.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Help People Lose Weight

Weight loss is a $50 billion dollar industry. Would you like a piece of it for helping others find the rare weightloss aids that actually work?

A very useful book to help you understand the reasons why Americans spend more for healthcare than any other country per capita and still are one of the least healthy nations is "The New Wellness Revolution" by Paul Zane Pilzer.

Pilzer doesn't pull any punches when he explains how the processed food industry is mainly concerned with maximizing their profits by creating foods that are addictively enjoyable. The last thing on their minds is our health.

The medical industry is in a similar profit-seeking mode. Rather than simply counseling patients on scientific ways to lose weight, they make their money by pushing bariatric surgery and drugs to control the symptoms of our raging insulin-insensitivity.

So, we've got two major industries working synergistically to make us fat and then make us pay to remove it in the most expensive ways possible!

This creates a big opportunity for those who distribute natural weight loss aids, based on herbs, vitamins, and mineral co-factors. These products, coupled with some basic education about which foods are helpful in losing weight, are the simple inexpensive ways to solve a gargantuan problem that nobody else is effectively dealing with.

If you would like to explore the opportunity to help thousands of others while enjoying a relaxed lifestyle of health and time freedom, reading Pilzer's book is a good place to start.

Contact me if you have questions about finding effective weight loss aids that pay commissions for those who refer new customers:

If You're Going to do Email Marketing...

You need Aweber. Take a test drive by clicking on this banner to the right (somewhere).

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

It's Later Than You Think

I've been reviewing the U.S. jobless figures and, contrary to the weak rally in the stock market, the economy is not getting better, it's just taking a breather before continuing its descent.

I've also been going over the Concord Coalition's analysis of when Social Security will begin to pay out more than it takes in from payroll taxes: 2017. By that time, who knows how much more debt will have been added... or should I say, subtracted from what the U.S. has from which to pay retiring Baby Boomers.

Whether you are one of the young workers who will asked to pay more taxes or you're about to retire with less income than you need to be comfortable, I would urge you to read the ebook to the right of this post.

If you've got questions about Network Marketing, you need to learn the truth about what it can do for you. Don't accept hearsay from people who have tried networking and quit -- there are many reasons why they didn't find success.

* Maybe they didn't work at it like a business

* Maybe they had unrealistic expectations (It requires work; it's not a lottery ticket.)

* Maybe they chose the wrong company, or a product with little marketability

* Most likely, they didn't know the methods of "Attraction Marketing" described in this book

Whether you are young or old, if you don't have a concrete plan for retiring rich in five years or less, you need to read this little free ebook, The 7 Great Lies of Network Marketing.

Our economy is going to get a lot worse before it gets better (if it EVER does). You're losing precious time when you could be building a secure income to protect you during the Second Great Depression.

Interest in Network Marketing/MLM is increasing as more people get laid off. Find out what it's really all about so you can make a smart decision.

Read the Red Book -- it's free. Click on it to the right of this post. =>>>>>

Friday, April 3, 2009

"If You Don't Have A Homebased Business, Start One!"

There are substantial tax benefits to owning a homebased business. Here's a link to an article by Sandy Botkin, an attorney and CPA, about those benefits:

Now that we're coming up on Tax Time is a good time to think about how much you could SAVE by operating a homebased business, even if you don't earn a profit.

I have negotiated a 10% discount for my readers on the purchase of any of Sandy's products. Simply mention that you heard about Sandy from me - Paul Kemp - and mention the coupon word "Savings" to enjoy this discount.

Running an efficient business by using Sandy Botkin's professional advice will quickly save you far more than it will cost.

Remember what they say: If you think education is expensive, you should try ignorance!

Thursday, March 19, 2009

What To Look For in MLM Biz Opportunity

Here are some criteria I would use to judge which MLM business opportunities will succeed in today's depressed economy, where consumers tightly clutch their dollars:

Is the company solid, well-capitalized, profitable, and led by experienced businesspeople?

Has it been in business more than five years?

Are similar products already being bought and included in most Americans' budgets?

Are the products necessary or could they be dispensed with if money gets tighter?

Are the products better than store-bought alternatives at a competitive price?

Is it fairly easy to earn commissions for recommending the products and/or opportunity to others?

I have been doing research to see if Web searchers are checking out various big name MLM/network marketing opportunities. Many are up 10-30%.

I'd suggest you plug in any company you are considering joining, to see how the market is responding to them. Just go to type in the Web site of the company you are in or are considering.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

But I Love Network Marketing!

Some oldschool networkers take a quick glance at this site and think I'm down on Network Marketing. They're soooo wrong.

I just don't like the antiquated system of marketing still in use by many networkers that has produced a 97% failure rate for new distributors.

When that many people fail at something - and many of those give it a good effort - it should tell MLM companies and the top distributors that something is wrong with their marketing methods.

Well, somebody finally figured it out and wrote "The 7 Great Lies of Network Marketing", telling what the problem is and how to correct it.

It's funny that oldstyle distributors are taking offense at the book's title. They probably haven't read the book so they don't know it contains the best news this industry has had for fifty years!

A lot of people could benefit from network marketing right now. They are out of work and looking for a way to pay their bills.

I want to let them know that Network Marketing can be their income solution IF they learn and use a modernized online system of Attraction Marketing instead of the old, stupid method of telling all your friends about your great new thing and inviting them to a hotel meeting or conference call.

Get Real!

Read the Book and learn how to make this business work for you.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

What Is MLM 4 Freedom?

MLM, or multilevel marketing, is the most evolved form of compensating an independent sales force. It is fair to the parent company, which only pays for results - sales.

It is fair to the salesperson, who gets paid not only on their own personal sales of products, but also receives a commission on the sales of other salspeople they recruit for the company, and the salespeople THEY recruit, and so on.

If the individual is good at it, MLM can be very lucrative. You may have heard.

MLM, or network marketing, has been around for about sixty years. Like any frontier of human commerce, there have been good citizens and there have been a few outlaws among the MLM community.

Before entering into any business transaction, you need to know the history of the company, the founders, and read the fine print of the contract you sign. Do your research ( I will provide resources on this site to help you, without trying to steer you in any direction).

The major impediment to success for the many people who try MLM as a way to earn some extra income is the way that it has been presented: that anyone can make a lot of money without much training or skills and all by telling everyone they meet about their products and opportunity.

This has caused a lot of failure among those who came to this business model looking for a realistic business opportunity. They failed even though they worked hard and followed the directions of successful distributors and corporate officers.

Well, the truth is out: These successful distributors were using a whole different method of recruiting than what they told the newbies to use! And they did it right before our eyes!

The good news is that the opportunity is still there and by taking a fresh, honest look at the training and what is necessary to succeed, aided by the miracle of inexpensive communication made possible by the Internet, the promise of financial freedom is now being realized for many who have read this book:

This blog is dedicated to spreading the good news that there is still one industry in America that pays very well - and they are growing!

I call this blog MLM for Freedom for many reasons. Here are some of them:

You are free to work at home, when you develop a successful MLM business.

You are free to raise your kids yourself (not put them in daycare), when you make MLM your business.

As a successful network marketer, you are free to travel the world to build your business and have fun, mixing work with play.

This short ebook will give you an idea of how the business can be run professionally and efficiently, again yielding the freedom that MLM promises.

This career is not for everyone, contrary to some of the recruiting pitches used for years by the unprincipled Top Dogs of the industry. This is not a lottery. In the real world, no one is likely to get rich without work and study of their business.

Reading this book will clear up what IS required for success in network marketing. It will clear up the common misconception that "only the people at the top make any serious money".

The sooner Americans understand the potential and the responsibilities of those who choose this profession, the sooner they can free their personal household economy from the doldrums that have ensnared our national economy.

Network Marketing is growing vigorously as we enter this new Depression

It would be a pity if capable, intelligent individuals turned up their nose at network marketing without finding out what it really is - and what is possible using the Internet to find customers and prospective business partners.

Over the next few weeks, I will bring you books and articles to back up what I'm saying here. For now, I simply want to sound the alert and let you know you're on the right track in looking at network marketing/MLM as a long term solution to our common financial plight.

There is little danger of MLM becoming overcrowded. There are no exclusive sales territories and most reputable MLM companies are set up to promote their opportunity and products internationally.

There is a revolution going on quietly in the world economy. My aim in constructing this site is to help it along - to distribute the truth about how MLM/network marketing can be the answer to the prayers of millions of people worldwide for economic freedom.

All I can say beyond this is, "Read the book. This smart lady explains what networkers have been doing wrong and how to correct that. She has made MLM work in a big way and is helping many to enjoy the ultimate freedom MLM offers."

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

The Revolution In MLM/Network Marketing

For all those struggling MLM-faithful who have tried - honestly tried - to make this crazy business work the way our companies and top leaders told us, there is finally an answer.

We could feel that it was uncomfortable, going around telling our friends, family, and calling strangers on the phone about our great new opportunity, but we didn't know what else to do.

Oh, we tried advertising classifieds, FFA listings, "pre-qualified leads", genealogy leads, postcards and other direct mail, but none of it got the momentum going - and, more importantly, it wasn't duplicatable by the average person we did manage to recruit.

After all, you will want someplace to go for Thanksgiving and Christmas dinners, and no one wants to become a member of the NFL (No Friends Left) club. So, somehow, networking never has produced the results the ads and our upline promised.

I never figured it out completely, though I sensed there was some advantage the top distributors had, but I couldn't put my finger on it until I read this ebook.

It's FREE and I want you to have it, because I know you want to make your business work.

I've put together all the best generic, lowcost resources for you or any network marketer to grab a piece of this exciting new teritory called Attraction Marketing.

This short ebook, The 7 Great Lies of Network Marketing, explains what we've been doing wrong all along. Most of us didn't quite connect the fact that our mega-successful upline was doing something entirely different than what they told us to do.

And THAT's why they were experiencing success - and could afford to prospect widely - and we were living with painful failure until we couldn't stand it any more and dropped out.

No Better Time To Be In MLM/Network Marketing

I do a lot of reading about what's going on in our economy. Not the fluff and official propaganda in the newspapers and on TV, but the real in-depth stuff from economists and very successful businesspeople with a twenty+ year track record of being right.

People like Robert Kiyosaki, Bill Bonner, Donald Trump, and Congressman Ron Paul, to name just a few.

What I'm finding out is that MLM/Network Marketing is the business to be in as millions of people worldwide are searching for a stable source of income to feed their families and provide for their retirement.

Masses of people in countries around the Web are looking to create a home based leveraged income that THEY control, not controlled by some impersonal mega-corporation that throws its best people overboard to save the perks of their wealthy management.

Will these people be able to find you and choose to join your network marketing business? A replicated company-provided Web site is not going to make you stand out. The search ngines ignore them completely!

Not every company will prosper if their products are over-priced in a tight money environment.

Offering a product line with real value to the consumer is more important than ever.

And only those distributors who pick up on the revolutionary new secrets exposed in this eye-opening little book will be in a position to prosper from the explosion of interest in MLM/network marketing as THE homebased business to have.

Check it out and see if you agree. I'll be posting more value-priced or free resources here in the near future.

I welcome your comments.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009